Prof Avv Eleonora Rosati, PhD (EUI), LLM (Cantab)
Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union, 2nd edition
Oxford University Press, 2023
Available on the Oxford University Press website here
What has been the role and vision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in shaping EU copyright law? What impact and legacy does relevant case law have?
This title focuses specifically on the role, action, and legacy of the CJEU in the field of copyright, also by providing an exclusive survey that covers over two decades (1998 - 2022) of decisions in this area of the law.
The main objective of this work is to provide readers with a sense of direction of EU copyright case law. In order to achieve this, an attempt of 'tidying up' and rationalizing existing rulings is carried out.
This second edition contains substantially revised chapters throughout as well as a new chapter on subsistence requirements under copyright (with a special focus on works of applied art) and related rights.
Like the first edition, this second edition also contains a new foreword by Maciej Szpunar (First Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union).
A 30% discount is applied by using VIP code ALAUTHC4 at checkout on the OUP website
Reviews for Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union, 2nd edition
- Maciej Szpunar, First Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union (from the Foreword to the book): "This extremely profound analysis by Professor Rosati of EU copyright protection and relevant Court of Justice decisions constitutes uncharted territory, unveiling new information, and presenting ideas, which will serve academics and practitioners, including members of the Court, such as myself, alike. Professor Rosati's book addresses, from an original and forward-thinking perspective, some of the most complex, challenging, and pressing aspects of the EU copyright framework. I am certain that the second edition of the book will contribute to an awareness of the many challenges facing copyright protection, both on the EU and global level, as well as the importance of EU law and the role of the Court of Justice."
- Sir Richard Arnold, Lord Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal of England and Wales: "Professor Eleonora Rosati is one of the leading commentators on EU copyright law in general, and the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union in that field in particular. She is also incredibly prolific: this is her third book in only four years, during which time she has also published a considerable number of articles and blogposts, as well as editing this journal, helping run the IPKat blog and teaching at the University of Stockholm and elsewhere. I describe it as her third book because, although it is a second edition of the book she published in 2019, this is no mere updating, but a substantial rewrite. Whereas the first edition ran to 273 pages, the second runs to 441 pages. Rosati has not merely extended, but further deepened, her engagement with the case law. Furthermore, she has had the satisfaction of finding that the CJEU’s judgments since the first edition have largely confirmed the correctness of her analysis [...] Inevitably, readers who are familiar with Professor Rosati’s writings which will find much here that they recognise, but the book remains an impressive synthesis. It should be high on the reading list of any serious copyright lawyer in both the EU and the UK, including those who have read the first edition."
- Hayleigh Bosher, Reader, Brunel University of London: "New to this second edition of Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union is fully updated case law of the CJEU, a new chapter on subsistence requirements, and revised chapters on the legacy of CJEU case law on post-Brexit UK copyright and the interplay between CJEU case law and policy and legislative action in the Digital Single Market. Rosati explains in the introduction “a lot has happened in the EU copyright field since 2019. All this has warranted a new edition of the book, which is significantly longer than - and hopefully a substantial improvement on – the 2019 edition.” The goal of the book is to “provide readers with a sense of direction of EU copyright case law.” It achieves this in three parts, with nine chapters jam packed with detailed and comprehensive analysis on the role of the CJEU, its vision and its legacy. [...] This book is essential reading for any researchers and practitioners engaging with EU copyright law."
- Annaliese Wren, PhD Candidate, University of Bristol: "[W]hile this work is primarily doctrinal in nature, assessing CJEU case law and AG Opinions, it also incorporates statistical analysis to identify trends within the Court’s judgments. In the ever-changing landscape of European copyright law, a comprehensive understanding of its intricate dynamics is paramount. In providing a clearly written guide to the role of the CJEU in those dynamics, Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union makes a valuable and insightful contribution to the field of European Intellectual Property scholarship. It will be useful for those seeking a deeper understanding of the role of the CJEU in the context of EU copyright law, the evolving EU landscape, and the interplay between legal frameworks and judicial decisions."
IPKat Copyright Book of the Year 2023 - Winner
Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union (2nd edn) was awarded the IPKat Copyright Book of the Year 2023, it being the preferred copyright book of the blog's readers.
Book Launch Events
Monday, 6 November 2023
The Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law at Stockholm University hosted the launch of the new edition of Professor Eleonora Rosati’s book Copyright and Court of Justice of the European Union published by Oxford University Press.
The launch involved a panel discussion with:
- Ulrika Ihrfelt, Senior Judge, PMÖD – The Swedish Patent and Market Appeal Court
- Marko Ilešič, Judge, Court of Justice of the European Union
- Eleonora Rosati, Professor, Stockholm University
- Jan Rosén, Professor, SCCL and Stockholm University
Thursday, 9 November 2023
UCL’s Institute of Brand and Innovation Law (IBIL) hosted the launch of the new edition of Professor Eleonora Rosati’s book Copyright and Court of Justice of the European Union published by Oxford University Press.
The launch was chaired by The Rt Hon Professor Sir Robin Jacob and involved a panel discussion with:
- The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Richard Arnold, Royal Courts of Justice
- Eleonora Rosati, Professor, Stockholm University
- Professor Uma Suthersanen, Queen Mary University of London
- Nicholas Saunders KC, Brick Court Chambers
A recording of the event is available here.
Friday, 1 December 2023
To mark the release of the second edition of Eleonora Rosati’s book devoted to Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union (Oxford University Press, 2023), on 1 December 2023 Bird & Bird did host an afternoon of discussions featuring:
- Benoit Van Asbroeck, Partner (Bird & Bird)
- Kristina Janušauskaitė, Director of European Legal Affairs (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)
- Niels Lutzhöft, Partner (Bird & Bird)
- Eleonora Rosati, Of Counsel (Bird & Bird) and Professor of Intellectual Property Law (Stockholm University)
- Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe, Partner (Gorissen Federspiel) and former Advocate General (Court of Justice of the European Union)
Thursday, 1 February 2024
This panel discussion, chaired by Hugh Hansen (Director of the Fordham Intellectual Property Institute), took place at Fordham Law School (150 W 62nd St) and featured as panellists:
- Robert Arcamona, Director and Associate General Counsel, IP (Meta)
- Jane C Ginsburg, Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law (Columbia Law School)
- Daryl Lim, H. Laddie Montague Jr. Chair in Law (Penn State Dickinson Law)
- William Patry, Partner (Mayer Brown)
- Eleonora Rosati, Of Counsel (Bird & Bird) and Professor of Intellectual Property Law (Stockholm University)
© Eleonora Rosati 2014-2025